The Main Steps to Selling Your House
- Valuation
- Photographs and Measurements
- House Goes On Sale
- Prepare Your House for Viewings
- Viewings
- People make Offers..
- You accept an Offer
- Both of you Instruct Solicitors
- Buyer gets mortgage approved
- Surveyor visits your property
- Exchange Contracts
- Set date for completion
- Book your Removal !
- Complete..
- Hand Over Your Keys
Request a valuation – Find Out How Much Your Property is Worth
Before you can really think about selling your house you need a good idea of what it is worth in the current property market..This step is easy… Call Padgetts.. 0161 787 7964 and we will give you a valuation completely free One of our Agents will make an appointment to come round and have a look at your property.
We will then advise you on how much your property is worth, how long your property could take to sell, demand for properties in your area, and what price to put your house on the market depending on the length of time you have to sell your house i.e. advise on a price for a quick sale etc. We will also advise you of our fees, all good estate agents should make their fees clear at this point.
Fees are not chargeable until the house sale s complete..No Sale, No Fee
Measurements and Photographs -Visit
We will arrange a visit to take room measurements, take a set of photographs to use on Rightmove and on our website.
House goes on Sale
We post the details and pictures of your property on Rightmove, the UK’s largest property portal; on our own website, and we will then let our Twitter followers and our Facebook friends that we have a new house to share
A ‘For Sale’ board goes up outside your house.
We also have a regular advertising page in The Salford Advertiser , where we feature our properties.
Prepare Your Home for Viewings
Clear clutter, make your house look clean and impersonal. It may look fab wth your things in it., but a new buyer needs to be able to imagine the property as their home
As viewings come in we will contact you to arrange appointments, and give you feedback after each viewing.
Someone Makes an Offer
We contact you with the offer for you to consider. We can advise you on the offer.
You Accept An Offer
You call us, we relay the message to the person making an offer, they then submit an application for mortgage approval
Your property is marked as ‘Under Offer’ on the website and Rightmove property portal
Instruct A Solicitor
Appoint a solicitor to manage your side of the sale
Surveyor Visit for Mortgage Valuation
Assuming your offer has been approved by buyers mortgage company a Surveyor will then be sent to your property, an appointment wll be arranged by Richard Padgetts,who will liaise between you and the Surveyor/Mortgage company
Exchange Contracts
Both buyer and seller sign identical contracts, but only when they are formally exchanged by the solicitors does the deal become legally binding. A ths pont you can breathe a sgh of relief as your house sale will almost certainly go through.
There’s a great article from HomeOwners Alliance that goes into great detail about the process and legal implications of exchanging Contracts … Read Article
At this point a date will be set for completion, and you can book that removal van and start packing
Completion usually happens a couple of weeks after exchanging contracts, and is when the balance owing on your property is paid to you and the property then legally belongs to the buyer.
Selling your home can be an incredibly stressful at Padgetts, we’re not a big chain, we are local specialists and we pride ourselves on a friendly personal service. You can call us at any time during the process and we will happily talk you through what is happening, make sure you are comfortable and understand exactly where your house sale is up to.